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Welcome to CBT Cafe

CBT Cafe stands for Computer Based Training Cafe. We offer free web based software video training, software video tutorials and e-learning for multimedia and graphic design in HTML, QuickTime Video, and Flash video tutorial formats.

CBT Cafe's software tutorials include the most popular web design and graphics titles, including: Flash, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, QuickTime, Ebay and, PowerPoint.

Our web based software training is entirely free! All you need is the free Flash or Quicktime player installed. To ensure you're able to view the multimedia tutorials, you can download QuickTime from Apple and the latest Flash Player from Adobe.

If you design or develop e-learning, multimedia storytelling or interactive graphics, you might enjoy E-learning Examples.

5-Point Makeover: PowerPoint & e-learning slide makeovers

Photoshop CS6: Using Adjustment Layers to Select Colors


E-learning Design Elements: Page curl stickers and labels in PowerPoint

Vector illustrations are a breeze in PowerPoint. Here's a fun design element you can use in web and e-learning projects.

How to create Flash rollover buttons and hyperlinks in Articulate E-learning courses

Here's an easy way to blend Flash with your rapid e-learning program to create interactive rollover buttons.


Designing E-learning Templates: How to design templates by breaking down your course design and scene elements.

Learn to identify and break down simple slide elements for creating context in your e-learning templates.


Creative Advertising Effect for Visual Foreshadowing in Rapid E-learning Courses - PowerPoint 2007

Learn to create a simple effect where you place a screenshot image inside a pair of sunglasses. Great effect for hinting at upcoming lessons or scenes in your elearning courses.


PowerPoint 2007: Learn to Create PhotoCubes

How to create a photo cube effect in PowerPoint for branching scenarios in your rapid elearning courses.


Photoshop CS3 Threshold Design

Photoshop CS3: Threshold and Blend Mode Design
Photoshop's Threshold command converts colors to either black or white. Blending Modes offer endless opportunities for creating special effects in Photoshop.

In this video tutorial we'll take a look at combining the Threshold command to create a high-contrast, black-and-white image with blending modes to highlight specific colors in our image.

QuickTime Video| Flash Video | View Tutorial

Fireworks Masking Effects Using Bitmap Masking

Fireworks Masking Effects with Bitmap Masking
Popular vignette or fading image effect for blending your images into the background. Using Fireworks Add Mask button you'll convert a feathered selection into a faded mask effect.

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Photoshop CS3: Silhouette Outline Effectspacer

Photoshop CS3: Create a Silhouette Fashion Design Effect
This Photoshop tutorial highlights some creative uses for Photoshop's selection tools to create a trendy illustration effect.

QuickTime Video | Flash Video | HTML Tutorial

Photoshop CS3: Custom Shape Designs

Photoshop CS3: Custom Shape Designs
Photoshop Custom shapes combined with layer styles are a great way to enhance your photos and graphic designs. In this tutorial we'll take a look at using Photoshop's custom shapes to create layer effects.

QuickTime Video | HTML Tutorial

Photoshop CS2: Quick Mask Tutorial

Photoshop: Using Quick Mask for selections
Learn t use Photoshop's Quick Mask to modify eye color using Adjustment Layers and Hue/Saturation.

CBT Cafe Videoswhite pixel

Flash Tutorial: Creating Animated Fly-Out Menus
Flash tutorial for creating animated fly out menus! This is an updated version of our original animated menu.

QuickTime | HTML

3D Text Rotation

Flash Tutorial: 3D Text Rotation Effect
Flash tutorial for creating a great 3D text effect you can use for logos and web graphics.

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Paste Inside

Fireworks Using Paste Inside to Create Special Effects
Fireworks tutorial for using Fireworks Paste Inside to create special effects. In this tutorial you'll learn to place a new image into selected parts of an existing image using masking.

Cloning Tutorial

Fireworks Placing One Image Into Another Image
Learn how to combine your Bitmap Selection tools with the Rubber Stamp tool to copy an area from one image and "paint" it into a defined area of a new image. A great introduction to using the cloning tool for special effects.

Custom Color Palettes

Fireworks Custom Color Swatches Tutorial
We added a Fireworks tutorial for creating custom color swatches from existing images. This is an easy way to get color schemes for your custom projects based on existing colors from images.

Flash MX Scrollpane Tutorial

Flash Scrollpane Component & Load Movie Video Tutorial
Flash video tutorial to complementing the HTML lesson for the Flash MX Scrollpane tutorial. You can view the HTML tutorial or Flash Video Tutorial.

Fireworks MX Perspective Shadow Tutorial

Fireworks Perspective Shadow Effect Video Tutorial
Flash video tutorial demonstrating how to create the Fireworks Perspective Shadow Effect.

Fireworks Perspective Shadow





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Copyright © 1999-2015 CBT Cafe, All rights reserved

Flash®, Fireworks™, and Dreamweaver® are registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries
Photoshop®, Photoshop Elements® and Illustrator® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
QuickTime® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Ebay® is a registered trademark

CBT Cafe | Multimedia Learning | Interactive Graphics