MX 2004, MX, 4 Level: Easy Objectives: To learn how to place
one image inside of another image using vector masking and Paste
inside Tools & Techniques: Masking,
Paste Inside, vector masks, pen tool, paths, combining paths,
union, scaling, special effects Posting Date: 04.18.2004
In this example we'll take a look at using
Fireworks MX 2004's vector tools to create masking and special
effects by placing images into existing images.
Step 1: Getting Started
Download and unzip
This contains one PNG file with two layers: START and FINAL.
The START layer is the layer we'll be working
on and the FINAL layer is included
for your reference.
I'm starting with the START layer which contains a main image
of a classroom (mainImage) and three separate
which we'll use to place inside specific areas of our image:
A screen shot from our web site (image1)
will be placed inside the overhead screen
The image of the blue bitmap (image2)
will be placed over the desk to give it a metallic look
The image of the green rolling hills (image3)
will be placed in the windows to create a different view
Step 2a: Creating the Vector Shapes
- image1
In this step, we'll create a rectangular
path around the overhead screen. It's in this path we'll place
image1 to make it apear our web site is what's
showing on the overhead.
We can go about
the rectangle
ways, including using the:
For this example, the Rectangle or
Pen tool will work best. We'll use the rectangle
tool for this example and the Pen tool for
the next two examples to demonstrate different
ways to work in Fireworks.
Let's begin:
Select the Rectangle tool and
draw a quick rectangle over the overhead screen. It doesn't
have to be perfect.
In the next step, we'll align each of the rectangle's corner
points with the overhead's
so the
rectangle path "fits" exactly over it.
Click the Subselection
tool and
click the rectangle you just created. You'll get a warning indicating
you need to first ungroup the rectangle before
you can edit its points. Click OK to acknolwedge
the dialog and continue. NOTE:
if you didn't get a warning, you either disabled this option
by previously clicking "Don't show again", or you didn't click the rectangle.
Click one of the rectangle's corners and drag it it align
it with the overhead's corresponding corner. Video example.
Continue aligning each corner of the rectangle
with the overhead screen's corners for the remaining three corners
until the rectangle fits perfectly inside the screen.
Step 2b: Creating the Vector Shapes
- image2 & image3
In the last example, we used the Rectangle tool to create our
vector shape around the area we want to place
the new image. In this example we'll use the Pen tool to create a vector
path around
the table and then the windows.
Pen tool selection - Table
The table will be the trickiest of the objects since it involves
a little extra "pen work".
With the Pen tool selected, begin clicking and releasing to
plot points around the table. You don't have to worry about getting
it perfect the first time as we will go back and show you how to touch it up at the end. The Pen tool takes a little getting used to so don't get discouraged if your paths
aren't as accurate
as you would like the first time.
Continue clicking and releasing around all
sides and corners of the table.
When you get to the curves
of the chairs,
click the point where the chair meets the table, hold the Alt
/ Control key and drag up toward the curve of
the chair about 1/3 the curve, release the mouse, and click
and drag a
new point
on the other side of the chair's curve where the chair meets
the table. Video
Continue around the remainder of the table and chairs
Close the path by clicking the
first corner point you created to start the
path. You'll know you're ready to close the path
when you see a small "0" in the bottom right corner
of the Pen
Select the Subselection tool to click and
drag on any of the corner points you created to modify the placement
of the points
as needed
Pen tool selection - Window
The windows are easier to select since you'll only need to click
and drag in each corner of the window to create your path. There
are six separate window areas you'll need to create a path around.
After you create them, you'll Combine the paths to make the objects
act as one object.
Select the Pen tool and set the Stroke once
again to a contrasting color.
Click and release in each corner of the window
panes to create the path.
Close each path by returning the path to the starting corner point. You'll know you're ready to close
the path when you see
a small
"0" in the bottom right corner of the Pen
Continue for the remaining windows.
Step 2c: Modifying the Shape -
In order to use Paste Inside with
multiple objects, we need to first combine them. The window area
of contains
multiple objects. We need to create separate
paths around each of the window panes and then combine them to
act as one path.
Shift-click each of the six paths you created
around the windows to select them all.
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