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Step 7: Adjusting the cell's size

You can adjust the width of the tables and cells you already created. Go back and reduce the Width of the cell you created between the menu and the graphics.

  1. Move your cursor over the cell. The cell will be highlighted in red to let you know you can now select it. Click it to select it.
  2. Input a value in the Width option.
  3. Set the Background Color to black by clicking on the Bg color swatch.


Adjusting the cell's size


You can also adjust the width of the tables and cells by manually dragging them.

  1. Move your cursor over the cell. The cell will be highlighted in red to let you know you can now select it. Click it to select it.
  2. Move your cursor over the cans graphic cell and when your cursor turns into the double ended arrow, click and drag to the left to extend to the middle column.
  3. Resize the cell for the logo in the same manner.




Step 8: Inserting your graphics

  1. Click once in the Menu cell to insert your cursor.
  2. Insert the menu image by clicking the Insert Image object in the Objects Panel.
  3. Navigate to the menu.gif image and click Open.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to insert the other 2 graphics.

Step 9: Centering the Menu.gif graphic

  1. Select the menu cell by mousing over the border and when the cell turns red, click it to select it.
  2. With the cell still selected, go to the Properties Inspector and set both the Horizontal and Vertical Alignment of the menu.gif to Center and Middle respectively.
  3. Change the Background color for the Menu cell to : #dbdbdb
  4. Repeat steps 1-2 to center the other 2 graphics.


Centering the Menu.gif graphic


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