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Photoshop: Slicing Images

Step 1: Begin with an image you'd like to slice

Step 2: Show the Rulers

View>Show Rulers or Control-R/Command-R

Step 3: Drag out some guides

  1. Move your cursor into the rulers. You can now click and drag out a guide from the rulers.
  2. You can also drag guides out vertically. Just start from the top ruler and drag down. I'll drag one more guide out from the top.


Step 4: Draw out the slices

  1. Select the Slice Tool
  2. From the top left corner, drag out a selection to the center of the image. The slice should snap to the guides.
  3. Go ahead and repeat for the remaining sections of your image.


Step 5: Edit the slice

Select the Slice Select Tool and right click in an area containing a slice.


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