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Step 7: Creating the Invisible Button

The invisible button will be a sort of "catch all" button that will respond to the cursor being rolled off the main menu items. We want the menu to go back to the starting place when the user mouses off the buttons.

  1. Create a Keyframe (F6) at Frame 22 on the Invisible Button Layer.
  2. Select the Rectangle Tool and draw a large rectangle over the stage except the areas around the menu items. We're going to create a button out of the rectangle. It's not important what color the rectangle is as it won't be visible. Preview here.
  3. Select the entire rectangle and convert it to a button by clicking F8
  4. Edit the button by double clicking it and moving the Over keyframe to the Hit keyframe
  5. Return to the mainMenuMC
  6. Select the invisible button you just created and add a Play action to it

Be sure to change "release" to "rollOver"


Step 8: Adding the final Frame Action

At Frame 34 on the Actions Layer, add the following Go To action. This will reset the animation to the beginning after the menu items have animated out.


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We've added 4 New Movies to our Flash 5 source files cd! These include detailed videos on:

1. Tell Target/With
2. Dynamic Text 1
3. Dynamic Text 2
4. Animated Fly Out menu Part 2

About the CDROM:
These movies are the SAME content found in our Flash 5 tutorials, but the quality is clearly better than the streaming, web-compressed format we have online with Frame Rates up to 20 TIMES FASTER and CD-ROM quality AUDIO!

More Info...




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